Requestor Information

Claim Information

Supporting Documentation?
Claimant Details
Names (all aliases)
Dates of Birth (all aliases) - (MM/DD/YYYY)
SSNs (all aliases)

Select which services you need

Background Checks

Which options would you like?

  • Note: Human element is key to conducting effective, results-driven investigations. Conversely, automated software is proven to be inefficient, unsuccessful and time consuming. This search is our most extensive, in-depth investigation across Social Media and non-Social Media websites to locate public activity and information pertaining to a subject or claim
  • Every investigation extends to possible relatives and/or associates, both previously known and those discovered during each investigation
  • A comprehensive and thorough analysis is made of all data found · Results are compiled into a clear and concise summary along with all pertinent evidence to support our findings
  • Copies of videos/media located are secured and a link provided in final report for viewing
  • In addition to our Detailed Analysis, our Deluxe will also include full data collection and capturing of the public information and content found within each SM profile located
  • Each Deluxe preserve corresponding metadata unique to social media, which his required for authentication and to establish chain of custody in court.
  • A soft search of Social Media websites to determine whether a subject has any public presence within Social Media websites and, if so, where
  • If presence is found, a report is generated with links to each/any profile located
  • Each Basic search will include a minimum of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Tumblr
  • A powerful took used after performing an Internet Mining and Social Media search that involved monitoring social media profiles for changes pertaining to a claimant or individual(s) related to a claim.
  • Helpful when a one-time search is not enough
  • Standard monitoring period is 30 days and includes updates that are customized to fit the needs of each client and claim
  • This service also extracts key metadata unique to social media, which his required to authenticate data, preserve evidence and establish chain of custody in court.
  • A verification/search of an individual’s SSN/DOB


Soft Search Results?
If you already have soft search results please upload them here.
Case Photos?
If you have any photos pertaining to this case please upload them here
Social Media

Which options would you like?

Our Social Media and Internet Search service includes:
  • Identifying all public social media profiles for the claimant, including URLs to located profiles.
  • Capturing all social media content and posts including comments from the claimant since the date of loss.
  • Downloading videos posted on the claimant's social media since the date of loss (viewable via provided links).
  • Locating and capturing posts including comments from relatives and associates since the date of loss that directly reference or visually include the claimant.
  • Identifying public internet postings and websites related to the claimant.
  • Providing direct links to relevant posts or videos that pertain to the reported injury or incident, either directly or indirectly.
  • All captures include metadata unique to each post for authentication purposes.
  • All features provided in the Standard package, plus:
    • Additional searches and captures of the claimant's posts up to six months prior to the date of loss.
    • Additional searches and captures of posts by relatives or associates that directly reference or visually include the claimant within six months prior to the date of loss.
    • A detailed written summary of all findings.
  • All captures include metadata unique to each post for authentication purposes.
A weekly social media and internet search service with updates, available after completing a Standard or Premium Search.
  • Weekly review of previously identified social media sites for new posts or newly created profiles.
  • Identification of new social media profiles for the claimant.
  • Capture of new posts and downloaded videos with links provided.
  • Review of public social media profiles of relatives or associates for posts related to or including the claimant.
  • Standard monitoring period: 30 days, with customizable updates to fit client and claim needs.
  • All captures include metadata for authentication.


Supporting Documentation?
Case Photos?
If you have any photos pertaining to this case please upload them here
Medical Canvassing
P.O. Boxes are NOT valid addresses. Physical addresses are required
Every type of search selected below will be for 11 facilities

Type of Specialty

Search Enhancements
Rush Medical Search Results?
We can expedite the medical search results for an additional fee of $50.00 per search.
Claimant Information Search?
Would you like to run a claimant information search for an additional $20 per search? This search can provide alternate names, addresses, SSNs and/or DOBs. (This is automatically included with a social media search.)
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Making sure you are a human.

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